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Gina Farago

After a series of significant losses in my family, I began a journey of learning about grief. I became a student on the subject, and then made it my personal ministry to reach out to others, because support and a compassionate ear are so important to the bereaved. Spiritual Alchemy provides that community—of people with shared experiences from all walks of life, encouraging one another and providing what we desperately seek for our futures . . . hope.

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Ted Cope

You inspire others through relentless determination to be a difference maker in an uncaring world. I am blessed to be part of Stardust's Spiritual Alchemy community!

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Larissa Miller

Spiritual Alchemy is an amazing platform for upliftment and connection. In the last six months, I have greatly enjoyed using many of the resources for my own growth and reflection, and have found myself referring to much of the curated content in my conversations with students, colleagues, friends and loved ones. 

I’ve been impressed with the deep wisdom embedded in the content and the ability to ‘digest’ or create my own user experience at my own pace. I feel strengthened knowing that I am linked to a supportive, caring community that I can lean on as I experience the many waves and phases of the grief process. I am forever grateful to Jean and Camille for developing such a beautiful platform to truly experience the interconnectedness of all things, and turn loss into an opportunity to live life more fully each day.  
Stardust's Spiritual Alchemy - All Rights Reserved.